What does the body look like?

Greetings Fellow SL Lovers!

Ever scroll across Flickr or other bloggers sites and wonder… what does the body look on that skin? Well you are not alone. As a casual photo series, I will show you what the bodies of skins around the grid look like.

To be fair all skins will be photographed the same way:
Windlight – Bree’s appleblossom
Graphics – Mid with transparent water, bump mapping and shiny, local lights, basic shaders, hardware skinning, and avatar cloth checked
On a white backdrop with the same black bikini… no shape alteration
Using the maitreya lara body
No other modifications other than the current tattoos

To start, let’s look at the Genesis Labs body:
genesis labs

What shade is the skin shown in the picture? Cream
Cleavage options? 3 (Natural, Contoured, and Push-up)
Nipple options? 1 (basic)
Pubic options? 1 (bare)
Stomach options? 1 (slim)
Stand out feature? All the skin tones come in one applier hud

Liliana Aluveaux